Saturday, 10 January 2009

im sorry for two posts in a day but LOOK WHAT CAME ARRIVED AT WATERSTONES!!

you should have seen the silly little dance i did when i got the message from waterstones to say it had arrived!! i had to wait a while because it came from America but i had a waterstones gift card to use up so i did.....

let me tell you the last hour was lovely..crumpets...chocolate hobnobs...roobush tea...and stitched in time. what more could i want? (i recommend this book even if you don't like any of the products...but u probably will....the pictures are beautiful!!)

Right...time for tea


  1. Just found your blog through Mel's Country in the Town. Lucky you - a great new book to look through. I love new books especially ones full of inspiration for things to make.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. That books looks wonderful, what type of makes are in it? I can just imagine it's a lovely read if the pics inside are as good as the cover! The crumpets an choccy biccies look yummy too :)

    Mel xxx

  3. Ooh it sounds amazing! Definitely get more fabric... and post up the pics so I can drool over yours even if I can't buy any at the moment!!! xxx

  4. Went to an antiques market this morning, it was sooooo cold, but I did find a couple of things to cheer me up on a frosty morning.
    I'm getting used to the washing machine freezing now!! When I lived in England I would never have thought it possible.
    Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

  5. I have borrow that one from a freind and have really enjouyed reading it. I love the mobiles so might have a go at something like that. Waht do you fancy??
