Wednesday, 7 January 2009


I had some making planned for today....instead, after i got in from town, i started to feel really grotty and felt like i couldn't do any of the things i wanted to do. saying that i did bake these...

Apple and Cinnamon Muffins. i don't have a good track record with muffins...i think i usually mix them up too much and then they don't rise up, but these ones went OK. They stick a bit to the paper case on the bottom but apart from that they went OK.

So after i baked these i rounded up some buttons and a duvet and sat on the sofa listening to music and sewing buttons onto a bag I'm making for someone....all this whilst feeling a bit sorry for myself and sniffing.

A little bit pathetic but that's how the day went!!!

Right...i cant stay here forever...I'm going to hang some washing on the airer!

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