Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Look What I Made!!!!

Afternoon peoples. i hope you are OK and have got to see some of the sunshine today!! I'm really pleased with myself because today i managed to make something i have been longing to make for ages!!
i found some great purse frames on Saturday night which came in great colours and were quite a reasonable price. Ive been waiting and waiting and waiting to make a coin purse with a clip frame, don't ask me why...i just have. Well they arrived today and i succeeded in my crafty ambition. i followed some instructions from an old sew hip....

I made this one for my mum as it is her birthday on Saturday...i hope she likes it. Ive also got a coral coloured frame which I'm going to save for myself. Right....I'm going to go and wrap up some stuff i need to post tomorrow. have a nice evening!



  1. Oooooh gorgeous - you should sell them!

  2. what the dotty one just said :)
    I hope you find some more frames - they would fly out of the shop. Your mum is very lucky - its gorgeous :)

  3. Oh its lovely Bex :) thanks ever so much for the Sew Hip issue.....sending you a little thank you in the post tomorrow :) xx

  4. That is sooooo pretty, I love it! Have you got a new camera?

    Mel xxx

  5. Oh wow! That is beautiful!! And i third what the others have said - you should sell them! I have never seen coloured frames before, only ever seen metal ones.

  6. Definitely sell them, they are beautiful! I've never seen coloured frames. I have some silver coloured ones somewhere....perhaps if I find them I shall give it a go!

  7. Lovely, I love the colours...I've made a few crocheted ones in my time to.

  8. You know, I never thought about it looking like a fish before but now I've had a look it totally does! They're called Papillion (butterfly) lavender so I've only ever thought of that before.

    M xxx

  9. Those purses do look good. You seem to be choosing softer colours. Not loosing your edginess in your old age?
