Friday, 5 June 2009

New Things Made..

Hello Guys...thanks for the birthday messages!! we are having a big party tomorrow...hope the weather picks up by then (there's supposed to be a BBQ!!)
I'm really trying to keep on top of the stock for the shop...I'm not sure if I'm getting anywhere...but the stock bag is getting fuller so i must be doing something right!
i finished these two little guys yesterday...The one on the right is a grumpy one (because he uses trains a lot and they are often late...that's why he has a cute clock button on his chest.) The one on the left is a happy sleepy eyed little lady who loves to fall asleep in the sun after she has picked and eaten cherries from her garden (that's why she has a cherry button on her chest.)Here are their faces....i think the grumpy ones face is a bit too square but its sewn on now so will have to do!!!
I also made these....

i mentioned before that i wanted to use the pages from the old annuals i brought at the auction for a project like this. I'm really pleased with how they came out...just need to touch up the paint on the frame and then i think I'll be happy. here's a close up of the collage inside
i think this one is my favorite the writing underneath the picture says 'left,right,left' (my camera is acting up again!)

This one is made from old comic book strips (i think it was a megatron comic) the writing says 'Its all fun and games until...'

The only thing I'm wondering about with these is whether i should just leave the frames painted or decorate them some more. i think i'm going to try and do one covered in comic strips but i think that the frames with more vintage images inside would benefit from a frame painted in solid colours (I'm thinking more pink and a soft yellow maybe?) What do you think??

id also just like to mention a blog i follow...Ruth over at nice day designs is a very talented lady who takes plain clothes and makes them new. i think its a great idea, with places like primark churning out clothes in there millions its great to see someone creating something one off and unique. i like the idea of recycling clothes too (el and i try to do it where possible in StuffedNonsense) you've got to try and help our tired 'ol planet where you can!! Shes also running a little giveaway at the mo...why not check her blog sure you wont be dissapointed.

Well its that time in the morning when i have to think about going to work (i hate that time in the morning!) my best friend is travelling up from kings lynn to stay for the weekend...which means the party is going to be even better!!!!

have a great weekend m'dears!



  1. Those little guys are great Bex - love their expressions! Have you got a name for them?

    Pics are looking cool too. I particularly love the comic book one. Are they for you or to sell?

    Hope you have a fab birthday BBQ x

  2. fingers crossed for the BBQ, i love the bits you've made, i made Joshy a softie, he was playing with it before i had finished the face so i thought i'll do it later, anyway i never quite got round to sewing on the felt face details so its a faceless blue spotty dog, but joshy loves it!!! im a bad mother, he he!!!

  3. I like the frames a solid color, at least for busy prints. Have you tried sanding some paint off for a more vintage feel?

  4. Love the framed prints and the colours on the frames are just right.
    Have a great BBQ (providing the weathers OK!)

  5. Hope the weather picked up where you are, because it certainly hasn't here! Cold & windy, but not enough rain to mean I don't have to go water at the allotment. Tsk!
    The framed prints look very nice - very professional!
    Kim xx

  6. Personally I love the grumpy one. He cracks me up. I think his face needed to be square to give him another reason to be grumpy. Darling, darling, darling!

  7. These are awesome, Bex! I love love the collages :) And pastels are awesome.Baby blue or baby pink for the "left right left" collage - so suitable for a toddler 's room :)

  8. I love these and especially the grump one, his frown lines are soooo cute. bx
